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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Say Yes! proposals immortalized for free

Say Yes, Proposals immortalized for free this year in 2009. If we have the date open and your willing, we will follow you for up to one hour to capture that special moment on film for free. You have to be doing the asking though in the twin cities area. Andrews-Photography is always on the cutting edge of fun. Believe me it is fun, the look on her face will never be the same.

Here is a quote from, Cory Cook a groom with class "I wanted this special day to be something we could tell people about and show them too." "Thanks to the candid shots Rod did for us we couldn't be happier". "We liked him so much we hired him to do our destination wedding in Vegas." He was always thinking of new ways and angles to get the best shot.

The trend is on the rise to have all the moments documented in your life don't you want to be the first.

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