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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Andrews Photography, Wedding Tip, getting more out of your day what to expect


Drawing on our 20 years experience in the wedding business as a photographer and wedding planner. We will try and inform you about what a wedding can be like. Think of the wedding day as a three ring circus, mind you a really wonderful three ring circus.

The groom. He is the ring master, this is his time to show the other side of the family that he can run the show keep things together. He doesn't necessarily do anything during the day but delegate, if the need arises. His other job is to be around the bride so the photographer can get those really cool candid photos of him interacting with his love.

The bride. Her only job is to make sure her dress was fitted properly and she's on time. She will be aglow, a site to behold, a goddess, a vision in white, a dream come true. You get the picture. Believe me she will have great photos!

The parents. They just want to reconnect with there families and show off those wonderful kids of theirs. Mom wants the formal photos but she really wants to make sure that the guests are happy and that this wedding was better than cousin Margie's last year, their cousin took the photos and lets just say it wasn't pretty, think, "kid in a lion cage" clean up in the center ring. Father of the bride just wants to get out of this situation without getting a second mortgage.

Weddings are a time of celebration and a coming together of two families, don't spend your time after the ceremony, that's if you can taking the formals. Spend your time after doing something fun with the bridal party or mingling with your guests. If you dont want to see the groom before hand think of doing this instead. Take 15 minutes at the beginning of the day and do a first encounter were the bride walks in to the groom in a private area. It will be close to the same experience as the isle. This gives them the time to connect before the day gets started. Makes for great photojournalist romantics of the bride and groom too. Now a third of your wedding day just became available for fun.

When the popcorn has been eaten and the clowns have stolen away, remember the only lasting memories will be your photos. Invest wisely.

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